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The Ungifted Gardener - Plant Data At a Glance

Decision making in the garden, as in life generally, is a judgement based on a relatively arbitrary blend of knowledge (about the things we know), information (about the things we don't know), and personal preference (about the things we hope are true, or are not true in certain cases). A this stage in my evolution I have little knowledge and lack information. This page is an attempt to address the information side of the equation. Much of the material is used elsewhere, this page brings it together with references to the primary sources.

  1. Color Mulch by Plant
  2. Root Depth by Plant
  3. Germination by Plant

Color Mulch by Plant

Almost all research reports indicate a crop improvement using plastic mulch over bare ground. Certain colors have been shown to be beneficial for certain plants.


Plant Color Increase Notes
Tomato Red 12% % increase over black plastic.
Pepper Silver 20% % over black plastic.
Eggplant/ Aubergine Red 12% % over black plastic.
Cucumber Dark Blue 30% % over black plastic.
Cantaloupe Dark blue or green IRT 35% % over black plastic.
Onion Silver, black or red 24% % over bare earth.
Summer Squash Dark blue 20% % over black plastic.
Potato Silver, black, red 24% % over bare earth.
  1. Data taken from PennState Extension Service Summary.

Root Depth by Plant

(12 - 18")
(18 - 24")
(24 - 36")
Arugula Beans Artichokes
Brocoli Beets Asparagus
Brassicas Canteloupe Okra
Celery Carrots Parsnips
Corn Cucumber Pumpkins
Garlic, Onions, Leeks, Chive Eggplant/Aubergine Rhubarb
Lettuce Peas Winter Squash
Potato Peppers Sweet Potato
Radish Summer Squash/Zucchini Tomatoes
Spinach Turnip Water Melon


Plant Days Min
% Notes
Asparagus 10/50 15 - 30/60 - 85
Bean 15/60 15 - 30/60 - 85
Cabbage 4.5/40 7 - 35/45 - 95
Cantaloupe 4.5/40 24 -35/75 - 95
Carrot 4.5/40 7 - 30/45 - 85
Cauliflower 4.5/40 7 - 30/45 - 85
Celery 4.5/40 16 - 21/60 - 70
Corn 10/50 15 - 35/60 - 95
Cucumber 15/60 15 - 35/60 - 95
Eggplant /Aubergine 15/60 24 - 32/75 - 90
Lettuce 2/35 4.5 - 26/40 - 80
Okra 15/60 21 -35/70 - 95
Onion 2/35 10 - 35/50 - 95
Parsley 4.5/40 10 - 30/50 - 85
Parsnip 2/35 10 - 21/50 - 70
Pea 4.5/40 4.5 - 24/40 - 75
Pepper 15/60 18 - 35/65 - 95
Pumkin 15/60 21 - 32/70 - 90
Radish 4.5/40 7 - 32/45 - 90
Spinach 2/35 7 - 24/45 - 75
Squash 15/60 21 - 35/70 - 95
Tomato 10/50 15 - 30/60 - 85
Turnip 4.5/40 15 - 40/60 - 105
Watermelon 15/60 21 - 35/70 - 95

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Page modified: January 20 2022

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